Where: Place the code in between the Writer, Mother and Reviewer: Face Painting: The saga continues

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Face Painting: The saga continues

After my recent post where my children have had very nasty reactions after having their faces painted at a family fun day the story soon made the regional newspaper and various parents have told their story.  Well, now it's my turn.

I did write a letter to the Hull Daily Mail last week simply to express my anger and disgust at what had occurred. My only expectation was that my letter letter would be printed on their letters page.  I did not expect the them to contact me requesting a interview, which I did give tonight and then to hurridly send a photographer around to take our pictures.

It's now 10 days after their faces were painted and both are still wearing the marks.  I'm hoping and praying that these fade further shortly as if they don't I may well be taking legal action over this.

So, watch this space.  Anyone that buys that Hull Daily Mail, my story just maybe printed in there shortly.


  1. i am so pleased you decided to take it further as i would of done the same thing as people need to be aware of what can happen to childrens faces if these so called face paints are used xx

  2. To prevent that happening in the future we should be informed what kind of face paint was use (brand), the article in newspaper doesnt contain any information, the article is more accusing than informative/preventative for the future

  3. I am a pro face painter, I cannot comment on which band of paint was used, I have no knowledge, but I can say an allergic reaction, is something you cannot sue for, as its not a painters fault a child has a reaction. But, if the painter was filthy, you could have a case. If they used non eu appoved paint you could have a case

  4. i am a professional facepainter and have worked at Disney, Universal Studios and Busch Gardens and am constantly amazed that events continuously hire amateurs who use products that are harmful... parents should be aware that facepainting should only be done using hypoallergrnic, waterbased make up that is washed off with soap and water... period... and if that facepainter cant paint great looking faces in 2-5 minutes.. they should br in another profession leaving the work for the true professionals to be working...

  5. Thank you for all your comments. I am now in contact with Trading Standards and the face paint that was used on the day has been sent away for testing. There are numerous children that have been effected by the same symptoms after having their faces painted at the event so my thinking is that it's not simply a reaction. I feel this is going to be a case of either the wrong type of face paint has been used or the brushes used were covered in bacteria.

    I am now awaiting the results of these tests which will determine where the blame lays and ultimately if I take this any further. I will let update everyone as to the outcome of this. Thanks again - Jayne

  6. several children getting marked does not seem like a reaction, today I am off to paint at a party, where 30 young children will be painted, I would be sad if any child had a reaction to the paints, but I am confident none will have a reaction caused by my neglect, councils are cash strapped, and its easy to get an old set of paints out of the play cupboard and ask the 'arty' volunteer to paint for them... I would ask when the paints brushes and sponges were bought' who takes responsibility for storing' cleaning' volunteers training.(assuming it was a council volunteer) Etc, you may not realise it but there are over 3500 painters on an International forum watching this blog, we are all looking for answers too, as this could have a devistating knock on effect for our profession.

  7. I also am a professional face painter and I REALLY want to know what the product was! Just looking at it I am fairly sure it is not a standard FDA Approved face make up. I preach about this all of the time. My other issue is the face painter who uses the same slimy sponge in the same color over and over on little faces. How dangerous. Please let us know what the product used was! Jane Gabrielle, One World Face & Body Art
