We even managed a trip to Crete which was like heaven. All distant but great memories now... I am hoping to squeeze in a few more days out before the weather turns but we'll see.
I have to say it is nice to have the kids back at school though. I love having them at home but six weeks is more than enough. It has been testing keeping them occupied to say the least. Saying that week two and already I have been called home from work to pick up a sick little boy. Although there didn't seem a great deal wrong with him when I got him home. A bit of a sniffle and a little bit sorry for himself but fingers crossed he's been dosed up with the paracetamol and a good nights sleep should have him right as rain for the morning.
On the writing front I have been working hard on various pieces and I have a couple of pieces entered into competitions and I have a further few pieces that are almost ready to be submitted to magazines so hopefully something may come of those. The good thing about the dark nights is I get the kids to bed far earlier and that leaves more writing time for me.
My book reviews on here are sadly lacking at the minute. Not that I haven't been reading because I have read some crackers but it's been the case of not enough hours in the day. Hopefully I'll be back on track with those too shortly.
It's been a fair while since I wrote a blog post and to be honest it had crossed my mind to maybe give it up but sitting here tonight and writing this I have realised just how much I have missed it so no doubt the gap won't be as long anymore I can feel the bug has been re-caught.
Crete looks nice! best of luck with the writing competitions.x