I have done some pretty crazy things in my past. Most of which I won't mention on here because my mum reads this! I won't be told what to do and I'm fiercely independent. I can be very very moody and anyone within close range needs to take cover when I've got PMT. I'm impulsive and get myself into loads of trouble through not thinking things through and impatient. Most people don't know the true me but once you take the time to find out I'm up for a laugh, honest, caring and love nothing better than to party, party, party!
I'm not one of these women that can't bare to get there hands dirty. In fact, I love nothing better then getting stuck into the garden or the DIY. I've decorated almost every room in the house over the past two years and have spent many a night painting until 3am. Crazy, erm yeah, probably! But, it's the time I get any peace to just get on with the job at hand.
The word can't is not in my vocabulary. I can do it! Is my daily mantra. My title song is definitely 'Bitch by Meredith Brooks' I am a bitch, a saint, a sinner, a mother and a lover. And I'm proud of it. I'm tough on the outside but not all the through.
I love reading and writing. I'm working my way through a comprehensive writing course and a proof-reading and copy-editing course. My end goal is to turn this, somehow, into a way of earning a living.
I'm now posting reviews of the books I read and accept requests from authors to review their work. If you have anything you would like me to have a read of please feel free to contact me.
Join me on my roller coaster called life.
Jayne x
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