We arrived home at 9.30am yesterday morning and within 10 minutes the washer was being put through it's paces and it was a conveyor belt of washing, drying, washing and drying. Come 6pm and with nothing in for tea it was a trip to asda to get something quick and easy to eat along with loads of nibbles and a DVD for our feet up and chill out night. I think I actually missed most of the film because as soon as my bum hit the sofa I was out for the count.
Today has been more washing. A mountain of ironing to tackle followed by a tidy up of the garden and a mow of the lawn. Those sneaky little weeds had snuck up thick and fast whilst I'd been away. A quick trip to collect the beloved Guinea pigs (yes, they'd been on their holiday too) all finished off with a hover out of the car to remove the beach full of sand I'd managed to bring home. Phew, finally come 4.30pm jobs complete, kids playing with friends, I grabbed my book and a coffee and headed to the sunny corner of the garden. No sooner had I sat down when the black clouds appeared from nowhere leaving me shivering and heading indoors. Typical.
We got up to loads of adventures this week. Kite flying on the cliff tops, swimming, exploring the beaches and hunting for crabs at the lovely Robin Hood Bay. We then headed off onto the countryside and watched the steam trains whilst relaxing over a lovely cappucino. Charlie was in his element with the trains. It was just a shame that I didn't get to take him on one. It wasn't a planned trip and it was a little late in the day but I will be returning to do that with him one day.
We had a trip to the Eden Camp War museum which Faye loved and got really into but Charlie hated every minute. He refused to go into the exhibits after the third hut and when I did manage to get him into one he ended up nearly being hysterical and started feeling physically sick so maybe that trip wasn't such a good idea.
We also had have a return trip to Flamingo land and it was an exhausting day of wandering around the zoo and checking out the roller coasters. I'd bought myself a new camera before the holiday. I do love taking photos but my old camera was a little slow and I decided to upgrade to a more expensive model and I got to put it to the test with my wildlife photos which I have to say I'm quite proud of.
So it's back to work tomorrow and to be honest I'm looking forward to the rest.
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