Where: Place the code in between the Writer, Mother and Reviewer: Me Time!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Me Time!

Phew it's been another busy week but it's finally Friday.  The kids have gone off with their dad for a long weekend leaving me some much needed me time!   It actually feels really strange as it's the longest they have ever been away.  Three whole nights.  I have very few plans for the weekend I'm just going to see what happens, chill out (yes, the wine is already open) and recharge my batteries.

Saying that my plan for a relaxing afternoon this afternoon went out the window when I visited my mum and dad, started chatting gardens and one thing led to another.  Before I knew it I was en-route to the garden centre, returning with a car boot full of plants.  So my restful afternoon was spent digging and potting and cutting the grass.  It's looking good now though and all my dead summer bedding plants have been removed and replaced with the new plants ready to give my garden some colour in the Autumn.

I'm looking forward to having a few nice sleep ins.  Hmm, well that's the plan but no doubt I will be awake at 6.30 am in the morning as normal and come tomorrow night I will be missing the kids like crazy.  Although having said that Mr Charlie has been testing my patience to the limit these last few weeks so the break, much as I love him, is well needed.

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