And Relax. The kids are at their dad's for the weekend, hopefully! The house is nice and tidy. The water situation is under control if not resolved. This will be fully sorted on Tuesday. I've finally managed to get a good few nights sleep. I felt like a zombie for the first half of the week and was functioning on auto pilot. There's nothing left for me to do but to chill out and look forward to my girlie night out tonight. I think a bit of pampering is on the cards for this afternoon.
This week has been manic. I've found myself running around like a mad woman, just for a change, and I even saw myself going backwards on a few occasions. I'm having to control my water situation by turning my water on and off to the house on a need to use basis. It's not ideal when you have two kids and loads of washing to keep on top of. That and a little by whose mad about being in the shower. I've had numerous kicks off from him not having his morning shower. I just wonder if this will last when he is a teenager. Probably not.
I've had yet more drama when I went out to the car only to find that the lock on the drivers door has decided to pack in. Just Great! More expense. For now, I'm having to unlock the passenger side and reach across to let myself in. It's not ideal when my drive way does not allow the passenger car door to open more than a few inches due to my garden fence. Luckily, my little skinny 5 year old managed to squeeze in the first day and with much shouting of which button to press he managed to let me in. That is definitely my three bad things for this month so in hopeful anticipation I have bought a lottery ticket or two this week. Well, my lucks got to change sometime and I can live in hope that tonight will be the night.

As predicted in my last post Sunday was a great day. It was Charlie's fifth birthday and he had a fantastic time. He was so excited that he had me up at 1.30am, 2.30am and 5am but finally we got up at 6.30am and he was able to rip open all his presents. His new train set is the favourite so far. Along with his batman dress up and scooter. I keep seeing this little batman fly past my living room window as he scoots up and down. He's so cute.

Then it was party time. His first proper party and he loved it. He sat there at the head of the table like the king and revelled in all the attention. It was one tired but very happy little boy that crawled into his bed on Sunday night and one happy mummy that we'd had such a fantastic day. I just can't believe where the years have gone. He's grown up so fast.

With the forecast of snow imminent I though I'd better dig out the kids wellies and get them all tried on in preparation. Surprise, surprise, neither pair fits. More expense. It was a trip to the shops to purchase a new pair each yesterday. Faye has fallen in love with hers. She put them straight on and has not taken them off since. She even got showered last night, put on her nightie and completed the look with her wellies that stayed on her feet all night whilst she watched Children in Need, which incidentally had me in tears. They were left at her bedside last night like a pair of slippers and as soon as she got up this morning they were straight back on and have remained there ever since.
After all the drama of the last couple of weeks watching Children in Need really hit home that actually my problems are quite insignificant. I have two wonderful, healthy, happy little children and at the end of the day that's all that matters. What's money and a little inconvenience. It pales into significance. Hearing those heart breaking stories of families that have been torn apart with death and illness makes you realise that actually I am one of the richest people in the world. My heart goes out to those families and others like them, that would do and give anything to have what I have.
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