Where: Place the code in between the Writer, Mother and Reviewer: Time to chill!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Time to chill!

It's been a frightfully busy week this week (excuse the pun I couldn't resist)  Yesterday was especially busy with a trip to the cinema with the kids followed by spook night at the nearby park.  The kids went in full dress up and loved every minute.  The ghost walk through the dark forest trail was a little on the scary side with various people waiting to jump out and frighten us all to death.

By far for me, the scariest bit was when I took the kids on the twister ride and whilst waiting for the ride to start we were overlooking the large playing field, which was obviously pitch black, all of a sudden a figure appeared out of the bushes and proceeded to walk slowly to where we were waiting. As he drew closer a shiver ran down my spine because I realised it was Jason out of the Friday the thirteenth films.  Your mind tells you it someone in character but when he proceeded to stand a few feet await still as a statue and stared straight me it was fairly awful and made the hairs on the back on my neck stand up.  To add to that once the ride started he proceeded to remain watching and I kept catching sight of him out of the corner of my eyes.

At least we have the illnesses out of the way.  This last couple of weeks the kids have had everything from the dreadful sicknesses bugs to being streaming with cold.  Typical half term.  The kids have certainly kept me busy and I've done lots of activities to keep them occupied.  Everything from trips to the cinema, a visit to the museum's, pumpkin carving, even playing board games.  I'm shattered and ready for a rest.

So tonight it's going to be a much needed glass of wine, feet up and with the kids at their dads for the weekend it gives me a nice couple of days to de-stress, chill out and enjoy a bit of me time.  It's been a while since I have had the full weekend to myself and I intend to enjoy every single minute.

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