I couldn't believe it when I went to tackle my weekly shopping the other day so see Easter Eggs on the shelves already. I mean, come on, it's not until April. Another four long months to go. These consumer giants really are taking things to far.
We have only just got past Christmas, and probably like a lot of other people we are still swamped with Christmas goodies, so to have Easter eggs shoved under you noses already just really annoyed me. These supermarkets really know how to start cashing in, that's for sure.
The problem for me is it just ruins the whole build up to events. It's like seeing Christmas cards in August. Kids start seeing Easter Eggs and obviously they start nagging you to buy you one. They don't understand that there is a massive 14 weeks to wait, that's 99 days before the chocolate scoffing can begin.
And people wonder why the nation is getting fatter.
Easter Eggs on the shelves already. I mean, come on, it's not until April. Another four long months to go.easter egg hunt 2014