Where: Place the code in between the Writer, Mother and Reviewer: It's been four years!!!

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

It's been four years!!!

I cannot believe that it has been four years since I have written a post on here.  I have failed in my mission. 

But, that is going to change.  I have to admit I am having a bit of a mid life crisis.  It's my big 40 next year and I haven't achieved anything like what I set out to do.  I am determined that I have to change that.  My one big love in my life (apart from my children) is reading and writing. That is going to be the big focus of this blog.  I have debated whether to write this blog off and start a total fresh but it's got fond memories and I need to inject some new life into here.

My focus is going to be mainly book reviews to start with and along the way my trials of being a published writer.  I have lots of pieces that I have started and never finished and little confidence that what I write is much good so next to nothing has been sent off for possible publication.  Well, starting soon I am going to be sending out work, posting snippets of my writing and hopefully my goal of being published before the dreaded 40 will be achieved.