Where: Place the code in between the Writer, Mother and Reviewer: Sunday Afternoons!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Sunday Afternoons!

It's been a while since I have had a Sunday afternoon this this.  One child is having a snooze the other is happily playing on her nintendo ds.  Which gives me a lovely half an hour of peace and quiet.  These last few weeks have been a little crazy.  What with the school holidays and my recent hot dates. I don't feel like I have had a minute to myself.

The school holidays are all well and good but I am so praying for Tuesday now.  The uniform is all bought, ironed and labelled up.  The new packed lunch bag is good to go and the end is almost in sight.

The down side is no more little lie ins, but it's a small price to pay.  There are only so many trips to the park, farm and seaside that you can take.  I love a family day out but enough is enough. For a start my bank account is sadly deflated. Then there is the constant bickering, arguing and why is it always my garden that every child in the street flocks to? 

Next week will be back to military precision organisation in a morning which will probably involve me doing a lot of shouting but at least I will have a few precious hours of sanity back.  A much needed chance to get down to some serious writing and get the dreaded next assignment tackled, which I must admit I haven't a clue where to start with it, but I'm sure with a bit of careful thought I'll get there.  

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