I need some match sticks right about now to keep my eyes open. I've over-dosed on the coffee and that isn't working. I don't think I have blood running through my veins anymore it's pure caffeine.
I didn't get to bed until rather late last night, or should I say this morning. I was still wide awake at 1.30am, finally I drifted off only to be awoken at 3am by a little boy climbing into my bed. Normally he has no chance and is immediately put back to his bed but last night I succumbed and let him climb in. It doesn't hurt every once in a while.
Then at 4.30am I was awoken by a little girl coming into the bedroom. She had had a nightmare. A lady with knives in a basket was chasing her. Oh dear! It was hugs and kisses and she climbed back into bed and cuddled up with Brucey Bear. Luckily she doesn't like sleeping in my bed so I didn't have to suffer the both of them. Unfortunately, this also woke Charlie up who then needed a drink and the loo.
Closing my eyes, all to soon there was the distinct sound of the alarm. It can't be getting up time already, I thought, but checking the clock yep it was 6.30am and time to drag myself out of bed. To make matters worse I had a very grumpy boy.
"Do you want some breakfast, Charlie?" I asked.
"Lets get your teeth brushed, Charlie."
"Time to get dressed, Charlie."
It was a long morning and I have to say I was thankful to wave them both off to school.
All to soon though, and I have to add after a bit of retail therapy where I spent money on me for a change, it was time to pick them up. And the mood hasn't improved. He is one tired little feller. He did manage to come out with his jumper tonight but we got around the corner only to find he had left his sand shoes on. Arghh! Back we went to change the shoes. With the dreaded heavy rain forecast for tomorrow I have a feeling we'll be needed those.
It will be an early night for everyone tonight.
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