Jumping in the shower he was right behind me. "Mummy, can I get in the shower?" came his normal request. He is the cleanest 4 year old going and it's not unusual for him to have two showers a day. I bet I won't be saying that in a few years time but he just loves playing in water. So we went through the usual routine of him jumping in once I'd finished. Normally he sticks the plug in and sits playing with his figures but when I popped my head around the shower curtain he was just stood there with his head down letting the water cascade over him with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Breakfast didn't go down to well. He loves his morning cereal. It's the meal where he eats the most but not today. "I'm not hungry," he said, " I have a tummy ache." Oh dear this wasn't off to a good start.
Going to a large school they had staggered the mornings intakes and Charlie didn't have to start until 11am. Although my princess was moving up to year 3 (wow, where did the time go?) and starting school at the usual five to nine. Throwing on an old pair of shorts and T-shirt he watched Faye getting ready and sat making an inspection of his packed lunch.
One school run down and it was pretty chaotic. He had my hand in a death grip whilst waiting for Faye to go. One dropped off we had a little walk home and spotted some ladybirds when all of a sudden he said, "Mummy, I think my heart has stopped beating." haha bless him. Getting back home he sat in front of the TV and even refused a bar a chocolate, that's when I know something is wrong.
Come 10am and I just happened to mention that he would have to get changed into his uniform and he shot up grinning and said, "Can I put it on now please?" Well, I wasn't expecting that. How cute did he look in his little trousers and jumper? I could have eaten him all up. Despite the soaring temperature he refused to take the jumper off choosing instead to almost melt. That was also a turn up for the books as a few months ago he was categorically not wearing a red jumper, he wanted a blue one.
The time came and off we went, gripping my hand all the way. I was expecting the worst but as the door opened he was straight in, found his peg hung up his bag, deposited his packed lunch on the trolley, found his name badge and sat straight on the carpet, arms folded without a second glance at me. It was an emotional moment. My baby is not a baby anymore.
It was certainly a quiet day few hours after that and I managed to achieve in a few hours what would normally have taken the full day. I could certainly get used to that.
Returning at 3.20 to collect him I was the first in line and this beaming little face shone out at me. He was certainly not the little boy that walked out the door with me this morning. He looked like a scruffy little urchin. His clothes were all dishevelled and as he walked out the door he gave everyone a nice big flash of his bright yellow batman boxer shorts. That's my boy. Not only that we were half way to classroom two to collect my big girl when I realised he was minus his jumper and neither was it in his bag. Trust him to lose it on day one. Luckily we called back on the way out of school and there is was. Phew!
My princess had a good day back although I have to say that the stroppy madam is back already. S
he's disappeared over the six weeks but we had plenty of door slamming and foot stamping tonight accompanied by shouts of "It's not fair." I'm putting it down to being tired!
As for tired my little boy has barely left my side tonight. He's usually out playing in the street with all his little mates but tonight he would go in and out and keep coming back to me for a kiss and cuddle. He did miss me. The good news is he can't wait to go back tomorrow and even said as soon as he wakes up he's putting his uniform on. We'll see!
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