It's been a while since my last post, almost 2 months! I do not know where the days have gone, I've enjoyed a great week in the sun and came back from the wonderful island Crete with a lovely suntan and a note book full of ideas and scribblings. To date I haven't had any time to do anything with my scribblings but I'm sure they will come in handy at some point.
There have been some big changes in my life these past few months. Since returning from holiday I'm starting a whole new chapter. Firstly, on 24th August my decree nisi was pronounced and hopefully any day now I should be in receipt of my decree absolute. Yeah, over two years after divorce proceedings were started I am finally approaching the finish line. I'm glad to say that it has not all gone in his favour either. The judge ruled that if I am not eligible for legal aid then my ex will have to pay half of my legal fee's. Result.
The good news is I am no longer a single mum. I am officially in a relationship, the first since my husband. It's strange how I totally enjoyed being single I wasn't looking for anyone yet out of nowhere, without realising fully what has been happening, I am now involved in 'serious' relationship. It was slightly weird at first having someone else in my life and getting to know them and like everything in my life it was complicated at the start. Firstly, things were complicated on his side and then I had the worry over when to introduce him to the kids? Would they accept him? Would they even like him? Was it even what I wanted?
Thankfully, since coming back off my holiday it has all been fairly plain sailing, His complications are sorted. The kids love him and have accepted him with no problems and I have to confess to being happier than I have been for a long time. So, yes it most definately is what I wanted. All I can say is that it just feels right. The next big announcement will have to be work colleagues. Yep, we met at work. It's been a little awkward working in the same office and trying to keep it all under wraps. It's not that we have been doing anything wrong. We just wanted to take things slowly, get to know each other, without the office gossips watching our every move. There are a few people at work that now know and I'm betting it won't be long before the whole world knows.
As a result my writing has taken a slight sideward step at the minute but I am still determined to keep at it. I have now completed the first 10 assignments in my course and covered all the non-fiction topics. I am about to embark on the part that I have wanted to do from day one, the fiction aspect. I found some of my assignments pretty tough going and I did struggle from time to time with the journalistic side. This is definitely not my forte but I am glad I stuck with it and can now concentrate on my stories.
I have a feeling that now I have posted this I will be re-bitten by the blogging bug and will no doubt be posting another entry very soon. Watch this space!
Welcome back, Jayne - congratulations on moving forward and best wishes for the future.