Happy New Year everyone. It's been a rather long time since my last post but the simple fact is life has got in the way and there just hasn't been enough hours in the day.
Anyway, I'm back and ready to get stuck back in. I've spent the last three days having a massive post Christmas clear out. It's been well overdue. You know it's bad when you have to try hold everything in the cupboard whilst quickly trying to close the door before the avalanche starts and the whole mountain comes crashing down on your head. Numerous rolls of black bin liners have been used and I have a piles of rubbish that now needs to be sorted and recycled. I managed to fill 5 bin liners of clothes and bedding, from my bedroom alone, which has been sent off to charity shop. My house is now totally de-cluttered and cleaned till every surface, nook and cranny is gleaming. I'm sat here with my sunglasses on the shine is that bright. No doubt once the kids get up in the morning with their sticky little fingers it will once again get that good old lived in feel but for the moment I'm enjoying every second while it lasts.
I for one had a good 2012. I managed to have a few small successes with my writing and got a couple of pieces published. I'm half way through my creative writing completing the first 10 assignments on non-fiction which were, at times a challenge but I persevered. I'm now starting the fiction side, which is the aspect of writing that I am most interested in. So, I sent off my first fiction assignment just before the Christmas break and am currently nervously awaiting the feedback. I'll keep you posted on that.
Last January I decided to try and keep a record of the amount of books I read in a year. The grand total for 2012 was 48. Which is fairly impressive and almost a book a week. I read everything for Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist, through to Stephanie Meyers - Twilight Saga, up to E L James -Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. My target for 2013 is therefore to actually increase my reading target to 52 books (a book a week) and I'm playing around with the idea of maybe having a little review section for the books I read for anyone that may be interested. Let me know what you think?
On a more personal note I finally got divorced, Yeah! Even better was the fact that I've met a new man and embarking on a new relationship. It's involved big changes for everyone but we are all adapting fairly well and so far so good.
Here's to 2013 and the new adventures and challenges it will bring.
Hi Jayne, glad to hear life is looking up for you again. Happy New Year.